I Long For Silence (2023)

Commissioned by Sensing Spaces of Healthcare: Rethinking the NHS Hospital.

The sound elements of the work have been donated to the Wellcome Collection.

Wood, copper, custom electronics

Sound for me is something that I find very evocative, it’s a short cut to emotions and how something feels.

I’ve been really thinking about how a hospital feels.

Something I’ve been trying to do with these sound pieces is to make a dream like state from the real sounds through to an almost imagined magical reality and pieces that morph from something as mundane as a lift or footsteps through to something that’s like drifting off and then coming back to the reality

The sound pieces are within a wooden sculpture that has been formed in response to drawings that me and others made while listening to sounds from a hospital. There are engravings of gestures, hints of movement, and a copper track that echoes the endless corridors and bewildering lost-ness of being within the hospital.